byStoryBots|태양계 노래[스토리봇]The Solar System Song

[스토리봇]The Solar System Songby StoryBots|태양계 노래

넷플릭스주니어 스토리봇즈 스토리봇츠 The Solar System Song 태양계 가사

[발음] <설명>

  • * The Solar System Song Lyrics :
  • We can see the whole solar system from here.
  • I think we can hear it from here, too.
  • We are the planets of the solar system Different sizes for every one The music never ends We are such good friends And we all orbit the sun
  • Here comes the Sunrapping first on thistrack, from the beginning I’m the center of the solar system, planets be spinning Around me, sohot, I’m roasting, yasee?Now I pass the mic to the planet closest to me
  • Mercury! The smallest planet, small as Earth’s Moon I get super hot and cold and I spin very slow
  • I’m Venus! I’ve got mountains and volcanoes that spray I’m the same size as Earthbut spin the opposite way
  • Yeah, I’m Earth, I’m the home to every boy and girl Such a beautiful, beautiful world
  • I’m Mars, the red planet, I’ve got deserts and ice And I’ve got two moons, nice! that’s like one moon, twice!
  • I’m Jupiter! The biggest planet, I’m humungous, gargantuan Ispin the fastest, rap the fastest, plus I’m handsome, BAM SON!
  • Oh please, I’m Saturn, check out my beautiful rings Made up of billions of rocks, dust, and other things
  • I’m Uranus, I say that with pride, okay, I lied I’m embarrassed’cause I’m the only planet liing on its side
  • I’m Neptune, I’m cold, dark, windy and mysterious I’m very stormy, sobring an umbrella I’m serious
  • We’re the planets in the solar system Different sizes for every one The music never ends We are such good friends And we all orbit the sun
  • Well, we are done exploring the solar system.
  • I am thirsty. Let’s explore the rest of the Milky Way galaxy.

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